Sunday, December 16, 2012

A bucket of Answer

Sebenarnya dah lama dah memikirkan jawapannya. tapi satu soalan punya pasal, dah tertangguh aku nak post :). Berbelit pulak tue aku nak spealing.. haha sori kalau speaking lari ke laut. here my answer !!

1. If you were given a chance to become idol/singer, who you want to be?
I want to be like Shilalas. Yeah she is talented and can create her own songs until universal. So I can create a new songs for my ….. . haha :P Just a skeleton in the cupboard. And she got the succes on her own effort.

2. The character that you love in your fav. movies/dramas that you want to make as your boyfriend.
Emmm maybe Harris in Miss Wave (Ombak Rindu) haha. Tapi part last ye bukan yang first. He is caring, responsible , understood and loving person.

3. Describe about your style *example : casual, punk bla bla.
Pinky style maybe. Oh no. I have alots of style. Haha banyak sangat ^-^. I wore clothes that I feel comfortable and affordable :)

4. If you were given a chance, what ability/talent that you want?
Can speak Arabic. So that I can learn and understand the content and benfits of al-Quran. Besides, I want a very brilliant brain. I can fight with an enemy and defends our religious !!

5. The person that you always get jealous because her/his ability/talent? *example : mother, friends bla bla
My friends =) no need to know kay. She is clever, gorgeous and have alots of friends. em

6. The first web that you open when you switch on your laptop/computer *example : twitter, google bla bla
Twitter. Pastu Facebook, Blog, Game. Padahal takde function pon buka twitter lelama. More prefer to game.

7. Tell me about your dreams that you feel that you will never get it.
I want to meet you fav singer Justin Bieber. Haha very impossible. I want to get married with the son of Microsoft owner, Bill Gates. Boleh tak !!

8. Have you been punished in school and why?
Takde-2. I’m a good girl. Haha. I must to sit on the floor and finish my homework in front of my class. Huh my mistake because …. . I like to create a memory.

9. Country/place that you really really want to go and why.
Paris. I can shopping, eat alots of food and see the Eiffal Tower. Furthermore, Paris have a best view of place. I want to go around the world and visit ‘Bandar Warisan UNESCO’. I want to Makkah.

10. Job that you dream to get and give some reasons.
Chartered Accountant and Gabenor of Malaysia because all my jobs relate to money. I love money. With money, I can go everywhere and eat what I want.

11. Your fav. disney cartoon *example : cinderella, aladdin bla bla
Barbie and the Rapunzel. Dan cerita yang ada pari-pari kecil yang terbang tue.

12. Song that relate to your life and give some reasons.
Ada ker. Takde kot. Ha tak pon kau pikirkan untuk aku c(:

13. First person that you add in your facebook.
 huh kau nak suruh aku scroll sampai seribu orang. haha cari sendiri la ye :P "Actually dari tadi aku scroll. dah la lain lembap -.-"

14. What is your fav. quote?
What is fav? I like to eat. I like love and islamic quote. Quote: ‘Be yourself’, ‘Life without procastination’, ‘I love you !!’

15. Describe about your blog theme *including content and colour
Theme. Of course pinky and smooth colour. Mix content. About my life, like my online diaries. But also have some tutorial.

Thanks for reading. Sorry for ridiculous answer >.<

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